Proceeding International 1-10

Proceeding International 1-10

Stakeholders’ Linkage in Biogas Use as the Application of Blue

Izza Mafruhah, Nurul Istiqomah, Dewi Ismoyowati


The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship, strength and influence among stakeholders in the use of biogas as an alternative energy to realize the blue economy concept. Blue economy is the concept of zero waste in economic activity so that the sea and sky remain blue. This research uses sequential mixed method. The analysis tools used are Matrix of Alliance and Conflict: Tactics, Objectives, and Recommendations (Mactor) with 8 stakeholders and 6 objectives. The results of the study show that the actor with high influence and low dependency level are Environment Agency (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup), Regency Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, or BAPPEDA) and Office of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises (Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah, or KUKM). Three objectives are accepted positively by all stakeholders, while the other three objectives are both positively and negatively accepted by each actor. Convergence analysis shows that the strongest relationship is between the Environment Agency and environment academics, and divergence analysis shows strong relationship between one another. This research has an effect on the utilization of various wastes as environmentally friendly renewable energy with blue economy concept.


Analysis of Parking and Market Service Levies Potential for The
Improvement of Regional Autonomy in Surakarta

Nurul Istiqomah, Izza Mafruhah


Parking and market service retributions are parts of the public service levies, where thecontribution of public service levies to the total amount of levies of Surakarta in 2015 was 41.42%. During 2009 -2015, the average contribution was 51.56% and the figure is constantly increasing. Retribution with the highest contribution was market services with 38.12%, while roadside parking stood at 16%.Based on the matrix of potential public service retribution, roadside parking is at potential while market service is categorized as prime. Analysis of potential parking retribution is performed using primary data obtained through observations of 18 road waypoints in Surakarta for four days from 8 AM to 9 PM. In addition, observations were also conducted on parking activities in 27 traditional markets in Surakarta. Meanwhile, the data of market service retributionwas obtained from 43 markets in Surakarta. Based on the potential calculation, the potential of roadside parking retribution and market parking in optimum condition is IDR 6,502,420,800 per year, and in normal condition is IDR 4,876,815,600. The target for parking retribution that can be achieved on the assumption of
80% of the optimum condition is IDR 5,201,936,640 and IDR 3,901,452,480 of the normal condition. Meanwhile, the calculation of the potential market retribution in Surakarta is IDR 13,504,341,344 per year.


Nurwiyanta, Nur Khasanah, Enny Mulyatari, Risdiyanto, Erni Ummi Hasanah , Evi Gravitiani


Rural tourism is an important engine for rural development. On the other side, it brings
environmental problems. Bedah Menoreh program is one of rural tourism which has connectivity
between tourism destination on Menoreh hills. Sidoharjo and Gerbosari are two villages which are
projected as rural tourism. The economy aspect and sustainability are two aspects to be balanced and
critical in rural areas in developing countries. This study aims to evaluate rural tourism in the village. We use the contingent valuation method (CVM) to analyze the tourist’s willingness to conserve the tourism area in two villages. The result of the research is all tourists concern about the sustainability of rural tourism areas.